Custom Components


bridge. allows you to define new entity, block and item components to make writing long and complex and repetitive behaviors quicker. In order to get started, navigate to the "Custom Components" tab in the preset window and fill in the options, so whether you want to write the component in TypeScript or JavaScript and the file name, as well as whether you want to create an item, entity or block component. If you are creating the component outside of bridge., or in an extension, you need to create a js or ts file in the BP/components/<COMPONENT TYPE> or <EXTENSION NAME>/components/<COMPONENT TYPE> folder.

Execution Scope


Custom components have access to the defineComponent function, which looks like this:

defineComponent({ name: (name: string) => void, schema: (schema: any) => void, template: (templateFunction: (componentArgs: T, opts: TemplateContext) => void) => void }): void


  • name(name: string): void The name of the custom component that will show up in auto-completions.
  • schema(schema: any): void The schema of the component. This is used to create auto-completions for custom component arguments and should be written in standard JSON schema. You can also access bridge.'s built-in auto-completions with the $ref property. They can be found here and should be referenced from the data folder root, for example $ref: '/data/packages/minecraftBedrock/schema/general/slotType.json' would access slot type auto-completions.
  • template(templateFunction: (componentArgs: any, opts: TemplateContext) => void): void The templateFunction receives componentArgs which is the component arguments defined by the user, and the opts provides functions to allow you to merge data with the file that the component is created on and allows you to create animations and animation controllers.



  • compilerMode: 'build' | 'dev' Gives you access to read the current compiler mode.
  • create(template: any, location?: string, operation?: (deepMerge: (oldData: any, newData: any) => any, oldData: any, newData: any) => any): void Allows you to create data inside of the entity/block/item that the component is in. template should be a JavaScript object of the data to merge with the file at the given location. location should be a path separated by '/' to where you want the template to be created. For example: minecraft:entity/description. The default merge behaviour can optionally be overridden with operation which should be a function that takes default merge function deepMerge, the data at location (oldData) and the new data being merged in (newData). It should return the result of the custom merge. For example: (deepMerge, oldData, newData) => newData will overwrite the data at location.
  • location: string Gives you access to the location of the component in the entity/block/item file.
  • identifier: string Gives you access to the identifier of the entity/block/item that the component is in.


interface TemplateContext {
	compilerMode: 'build' | 'dev'
	create: (
		template: any,
		location?: string,
		operation?: (
			deepMerge: (oldData: any, newData: any) => any,
			oldData: any,
			newData: any
		) => any
	) => void
	sourceEntity: () => any
	animation: (animation: any, condition?: string | false) => void
	animationController: (
		animationController: any,
		condition?: string | false
	) => void
	location: string
	identifier: string
	projectNamespace: string
	client: {
		create: (clientEntity: any, formatVersion = "1.10.0") => void
	dialogueScene: (sceneDefinition: any, openDialogue = true) => void
	onActivated: (eventResponse: any) => void
	onDeactivated: (eventResponse: any) => void
	lootTable: (lootTable: any) => string
	tradeTable: (tradeTable: any) => string
	spawnRule: (spawnRule: any) => void
  • sourceEntity(): any Access the source entity that your component currently gets applied to.
  • animation(animation: any, condition?: string | false): void Allows you to create a BP animation that is automatically linked to the entity. animation should be a JavaScript object containing the animation data that should be added to the animation name. condition is an optional parameter that allows you to set a molang condition for the animation to be run.
  • animationController(animationController: any, condition?: string | false): void Allows you to create a BP animation controller that is automatically linked to the entity. animationController should be a JavaScript object containing the animation controller data that should be added to the animation controller name. condition is an optional parameter that allows you to set a molang condition for the animation controller to be run.
  • client.create(clientEntity: any, formatVersion?: string): void Create a new client entity file for entities that use the custom component.
  • onActivated(eventResponse: any): void Trigger an event reponse whenever your component gets applied to this entity
  • onDeactivated(eventResponse: any): void Trigger an event reponse whenever your component gets removed from this entity
  • dialogueScene(sceneDefinition: any, openDialogue?: boolean): void Creates a new dialogue scene to be used within your add-on. This function is only available if your project target version is at least "1.17.40"
  • lootTable(lootTable: any): string Creates a loot table for the entity and returns a string that points to this loot table
  • tradeTable(tradeTable: any): string Creates a trade table for the entity and returns a string that points to this trade table
  • spawnRule(spawnRule: any): void Creates a new spawn rule file for entities that uses the custom component


interface TemplateContext {
	compilerMode: 'build' | 'dev'
	create: (
		template: any,
		location?: string,
		operation?: (
			deepMerge: (oldData: any, newData: any) => any,
			oldData: any,
			newData: any
		) => any
	) => void
	location: string
	identifier: string
	projectNamespace: string
	sourceItem: () => any
	lootTable: (lootTable: any) => string
	recipe: (recipe: any) => void
	player: {
		create: (
			template: any,
			location?: string,
			operation?: (
				deepMerge: (oldData: any, newData: any) => any,
				oldData: any,
				newData: any
			) => any
		) => void
		animation: (animation: any, condition?: string | false) => void
		animationController: (
			animationController: any,
			condition?: string | false
		) => void
  • sourceItem(): any Access the source item that your component currently gets applied to.
  • lootTable(lootTable: any): string Creates a loot table for the item and returns a string that points to this loot table
  • recipe(recipe: any): void Creates a new recipe for items that uses the custom component

The player object gives access to these functions:

  • animation(animation: any, condition?: string | false): void Allows you to create a BP animation that is automatically linked to the player. animation should be a JavaScript object containing the animation data that should be added to the animation name. condition is an optional parameter that allows you to set a molang condition for the animation to be run.
  • animationController(animationController: any, condition?: string | false): void Allows you to create a BP animation controller that is automatically linked to the player. animationController should be a JavaScript object containing the animation controller data that should be added to the animation controller name. condition is an optional parameter that allows you to set a molang condition for the animation controller to be run.
  • create(template: any, location?: string): void Allows you to create data inside of the player. template should be a JavaScript object of the data to merge into the player behavior file at the given location. location should be a path separated by '/' to where you want the template to be created. For example: minecraft:entity/description. The default merge behaviour can optionally be overridden with operation which should be a function that takes default merge function deepMerge, the data at location (oldData) and the new data being merged in (newData). It should return the result of the custom merge. For example: (deepMerge, oldData, newData) => newData will overwrite the data at location.


interface TemplateContext {
	compilerMode: 'build' | 'dev'
	create: (
		template: any,
		location?: string,
		operation?: (
			deepMerge: (oldData: any, newData: any) => any,
			oldData: any,
			newData: any
		) => any
	) => void
	sourceBlock: () => any
	location: string
	identifier: string
	projectNamespace: string
	onActivated: (eventResponse: any) => void
	onDeactivated: (eventResponse: any) => void
	lootTable: (lootTable: any) => string
	recipe: (recipe: any) => void
  • sourceBlock(): any Access the source block that your component currently gets applied to.
  • onActivated(eventResponse: any): void Trigger an event reponse whenever your component gets applied to this block
  • onDeactivated(eventResponse: any): void Trigger an event reponse whenever your component gets removed from this block
  • lootTable(lootTable: any): string Creates a loot table for the block and returns a string that points to this loot table
  • recipe(recipe: any): void Creates a new recipe for blocks that uses the custom component

Creating Files

Files can also be automatically created with custom components. Functions that can be called to create files are:

  • animation(animation: any, condition: string | false): string which returns the name of the animation
  • animationController(animationController: any, condition: string | false): string which returns the name of the animation controller
  • client.create(clientEntity: any, formatVersion?: string): void
  • dialogueScene(sceneDefinition: any, openDialogue?: boolean): void

Extension Manifest

When you are creating a custom component in an extension you need to specify where it should be installed in the extension manifest using the contributeFiles field.


Examples can be found here: