Extension Manifest

The extension manifest is used to store data about your extension. It should be located in the root of your extension and must be called manifest.json



Type: string

The icon should be the the id of a Material Design Icon starting with mdi-, for example: mdi-apple


Type: string

The author can be any string and is used to display the author of the extension in bridge.'s UI.


Type: string

The id should be a unique UUID V4 which you can generate from UUIDGenerator.


Type: string

The version should be a version in the format X.X.X, for example 1.2.3. This version number needs to be incremented when you are updating your extension.


Type: string

The name field should simply contain the name of the extension to be shown in bridge.'s UI.

Type: string

The link can be a link to a webpage relevant to the extension or creator. Users can follow the link from a button in bridge.'s UI.


Type: string

The target can be one of three options: v1, v2 or both. This is used when you publish the extension to the extensions store to choose whether to publish the extension to bridge. v1, bridge. v2 or both.


Type: string

The description of your extension should be a brief overview of what your extension does. This is shown in bridge.'s UI.


Type: integer

The API version is only relevent for bridge. v1 and can be either 1 or 2. It tells bridge. whether the extension is for the new or old extension API. If it is omitted, it will default to the latest version.


Type: Array

The tags list should be an array of extension tag ids. Available tag ids can be found here.


Type: Object

The compiler field should be used for compiler plugins to specify the id and file location of the plugin.


	"compiler": {
		"plugins": {
			"<ID>": "<LOCATION>"


	"compiler": {
		"plugins": {
			"jsonEncoder": "compiler/jsonEncoder.js"


Type: Object

The contribute files field is used to install files or folders into the project when the extension is installed. This can be used to install custom components and commands to the BP/commands and BP/components folder.

You can add individual files like this:

	"contributeFiles": {
	"contributeFiles": {
		"components/item/myComponent.js": "BP/components/item/myComponent.js"

and add folders like this:

	"contributeFiles": {
	"contributeFiles": {
		"components/item": "BP/components/item/"


Type: string

A url to a readme for your extension. Creates a button in the extension store on your extension to go to the url you have set.


Type: Object

An object with min and max fields to specify which range of bridge. versions your extension supports.


	"author": "solvedDev",
	"icon": "mdi-code-braces",
	"id": "aad1d7ec-a32e-4732-ad2b-abb770e38202",
	"version": "1.0.0",
	"name": "My Extension",
	"link": "www.my_homepage.com/me",
	"target": "v2",
	"description": "My first bridge. extension",
	"api_version": 2,
	"tags": ["Utility"]