

bridge. is a powerful add-on editor designed to speed up your development process. It provides a rich editing experience for all files inside behavior packs, resource packs, skin packs and world templates and provides a powerful work environment for JavaScript, JSON, functions and more. bridge. also allows you to choose between the tree editor or raw text editor for JSON files. A summary of bridge.'s most notable features can be found here. Unleash the full power of add-ons with bridge. extensions and make use of rich auto-completions provided as you navigate through a file. Creating Minecraft add-ons was never more convenient!

Latest Release

You can try out the latest version of bridge. here! Alternatively, you can find the download of bridge. v1 release here!

Why you should use bridge.

The core editing experience with bridge.'s text and tree JSON editors provide complete auto-completions for everything Minecraft addons support, as well as colorful syntax highlighting and file validation. Additionally, bridge. has a few more unique features which other editors do not offer:

  • File previews for entities, blocks and more allow for features such as viewing collision boxes and rider seat positions without loading up Minecraft.
  • You cannot make general file structure mistakes because rich auto-completions guide you through the file.
  • Our preset system provides a wide variety of file templates to quickly set up different features in your addon.
  • Support for extensions: From custom components and .molang files, to custom tab types for custom editors and file previews - bridge. extensions can do almost anything.
  • Developing is generally significantly faster.

For a full rundown of bridge.'s most notable features, check out this page



You can read more on extensions here.


The repository for extensions can be found here. Feel free to add your extensions to it in order to make them appear inside the extension store.

Contributing to bridge.

Contributions to bridge. are welcome. However, please read the guidelines first.